Wods That Start With a Adjectives Easy
There are many adjectives that start with A. You can easily add to the list by adding the prefix "anti" to another word. For example:
- Anticlimactic
- Anticonvulsive
- Antifungal
- Antiseptic
- Antisocial
- Antitrust
Adjectives are words that modify nouns or pronouns. They change, clarify, or give additional information about the information provided by the noun or pronoun.
Adjectives often come before the noun or pronoun (such as in, "Give me theAmerican flag"), but they can occur anywhere in a sentence (such as in, "The dog isalive").
They can even occur when the noun or pronoun they are describing is not even in the sentence (such as in, "We should do something to help theelderly"). The noun is something that is assumed (in this case, we assume that we are describing elderlypeople). This is fairly common when describing a group of people, especially nationalities (such as in, "We areAmericans").
There can be several adjectives modifying a single noun or pronoun (such as in, "She is such an alluring,angelic woman").
Adjectives that Start with A
List of Descriptive Adjectives that start with A
Below are 50 descriptive adjectives that start with A.
- Able
- Absurd
- Academic
- Accept
- Acceptant
- Accessible
- Accountable
- Accurate
- Accused
- Adaptable
- Addictive
- Additional
- Addle
- Adjacent
- Adjoining
- Adjustable
- Adult
- Advanced
- Aerial
- Afflictive
- Affordable
- Aged
- Ageless
- Aging
- Aggregate
- Aggressive
- Aggrieved
- Agrarian
- Alarming
- Alike
- Alive
- Alone
- Alternative
- Amazing
- Ambidextrous
- Amicable
- Animal
- Annual
- Apathetic
- Applauding
- Applicable
- Appropriate
- Approximate
- Ashamed
- Assorted
- Astronomical
- Average
- Aware
- Awesome
- Azure
List of Positive Adjectives that Start with A
Below are 50 adjectives that start withA that indicate something positive.
- Absolute
- Abundant
- Acceptable
- Accepted
- Accommodative
- Accredited
- Acknowledged
- Activated
- Active
- Actual
- Adaptive
- Adjustable
- Adoptable
- Adorable
- Adoring
- Advanced
- Advancing
- Adventuristic
- Advisable
- Affective
- Affirmable
- Affirmatory
- Affordable
- Agreed
- Alive
- Alluring
- Alternative
- Amazing
- Ambrosian
- Amendable
- Amused
- Anachronic
- Anal
- Ancestral
- Anesthetic
- Angelic
- Anticipated
- Aortic
- Apex
- Apian
- Appealing
- Applicable
- Appointive
- Apposable
- Aquarian
- Aqueous
- Arabic
- Arbitral
- Assertive
- Astute
List of Negative Adjectives that Start with A
Below are 50 adjective words that start with A that indicate something negative.
- Abducted
- Aberrant
- Abhorrent
- Ablaze
- Abnormal
- Abrasive
- Absentminded
- Absurd
- Abusive
- Abysmal
- Accursed
- Acidic
- Addled
- Afeard
- Affected
- Afflicted
- Afraid
- Aged
- Aggravating
- Aghast
- Agonized
- Ailing
- Aimless
- Airless
- Alarmed
- Alcoholic
- Alleged
- Allergic
- Aloof
- Amateurish
- Ambiguous
- Ambivalent
- Amok
- Anemic
- Annoying
- Anticlimactic
- Appalling
- Artificial
- Askance
- Askew
- Aspiratory
- Assailant
- Asunder
- Atrocious
- Audacious
- Audit
- Authoritative
- Avaricious
- Avoid
- Awkward
List of Personality Adjectives that Start with A
Below are 50 adjectives that start withA that describe a personality.
- Abhorrent
- Abiding
- Abrupt
- Abusive
- Accommodating
- Acerbic
- Addicted
- Addictive
- Admirable
- Admired
- Affable
- Affectionate
- Affectionate
- Aggravated
- Aggravating
- Aghast
- Agonizing
- Agreeable
- Alarmist
- Allusive
- Amazing
- Ambiguous
- Ambitious
- Amusing
- Angelic
- Angry
- Animated
- Annoyed
- Annoying
- Antisocial
- Antsy
- Apathetic
- Apologetic
- Appalling
- Appealing
- Apprehensive
- Approachable
- Approving
- Argumentative
- Arrogant
- Artistic
- Ashamed
- Assertive
- Astonished
- Attentive
- Attractive
- Audacious
- Auspicious
- Authoritarian
- Awesome
List of Adjectives that Start with A to Describe a Person (not Personality)
Below are 50 adjectives that start withA that describe a person.
- Abandoned
- Abject
- Able
- Absent
- Academic
- Acceptant
- Accountable
- Accurate
- Acned
- Adept
- Adoptive
- Adroit
- Advanced
- Afraid
- African
- Ageless
- Agile
- Ailing
- Airsick
- Alien
- Alleged
- Alone
- Ambulatory
- American
- Americanized
- Anemic
- Angular
- Appalachian
- Appellant
- Applicable
- Applicant
- Arcadian
- Archeologist
- Archetypical
- Ardent
- Aristocrat
- Armed
- Armored
- Arrested
- Asexual
- Ashen
- Athletic
- Atypical
- Australian
- Austrian
- Average
- Average
- Awake
- Away
- Awkward
A Adjectives Image
List of 1600+ Adjectives that Start with A
Adjectives that Start with Ab
- Aback
- Abactinal
- Abaft
- Abandoned
- Abashed
- Abasic
- Abatable
- Abatic
- Abaxial
- Abbatial
- Abbreviated
- Abdicable
- Abdominal
- Abdominous
- Abdominovesical
- Abducent
- Abducting
- Abecedarian
- Aberdonian
- Aberrant
- Abeyant
- Abhorrent
- Abiding
- Abient
- Abiogenetic
- Abject
- Abkhaz
- Abkhazian
- Ablated
- Ablative
- Ablaze
- Able
- Abloom
- Ablutionary
- Abnaki
- Abnormal
- Aboard
- Abolishable
- Abolitionary
- Abomasal
- Abominable
- Aboral
- Aboriginal
- Abortifacient
- Abortive
- Aboulic
- Abounding
- About
- Above
- Aboveboard
- Aboveground
- Abranchial
- Abranchiate
- Abranchious
- Abrasive
- Abreast
- Abridged
- Abroach
- Abroad
- Abrupt
- Abscessed
- Absent
- Absentminded
- Absolute
- Absolutist
- Absolutistic
- Absolved
- Absolvitory
- Absorbable
- Absorbed
- Absorbefacient
- Absorbent
- Absorbing
- Absorptive
- Abstemious
- Abstentious
- Abstinent
- Abstract
- Abstracted
- Abstractionist
- Abstractive
- Abstruse
- Absurd
- Abulic
- Abundant
- Abused
- Abusive
- Abuzz
- Abysmal
- Abyssal
Adjectives that Start with Ac
- Academic
- Acanthoid
- Acanthotic
- Acanthous
- Acapnial
- Acapnic
- Acapnotic
- Acarpellous
- Acarpelous
- Acarpous
- Acatalectic
- Acaudal
- Acaudate
- Acaulescent
- Accelerando
- Accelerated
- Accelerative
- Acceleratory
- Accented
- Accentual
- Acceptable
- Acceptant
- Accepted
- Accepting
- Acceptive
- Accessary
- Accessible
- Accessional
- Accessorial
- Accessory
- Accidental
- Accipitrine
- Acclaimed
- Acclivitous
- Accommodating
- Accommodational
- Accommodative
- Accompanied
- Accompanying
- Accomplishable
- Accomplished
- Accordant
- According
- Accountable
- Accoutered
- Accoutred
- Accredited
- Accretionary
- Accretive
- Accrued
- Acculturational
- Acculturative
- Accumbent
- Accumulated
- Accumulative
- Accurate
- Accursed
- Accurst
- Accusative
- Accusatorial
- Accusatory
- Accusing
- Accusive
- Accustomed
- Ace
- Acellular
- Acentric
- Acephalous
- Acerate
- Acerb
- Acerbic
- Acerose
- Acervate
- Acetabular
- Acetic
- Acetonic
- Acetose
- Acetous
- Acetylenic
- Acetylic
- Achaean
- Achenial
- Acheronian
- Acherontic
- Achievable
- Aching
- Achlamydeous
- Achlorhydric
- Achondritic
- Achondroplastic
- Achromatic
- Achromatinic
- Achromatous
- Achromic
- Achromous
- Achy
- Acicular
- Aciculate
- Acid
- Acidic
- Acidimetric
- Acidophilic
- Acidophilous
- Acidotic
- Acidulent
- Acidulous
- Aciduric
- Acinar
- Acinic
- Acinose
- Acinous
- Acknowledgeable
- Acknowledged
- Acned
- Acneiform
- Acold
- Acoustic
- Acoustical
- Acquainted
- Acquiescent
- Acquirable
- Acquired
- Acquisitive
- Acquitted
- Acrid
- Acrimonious
- Acritical
- Acrobatic
- Acrocarpous
- Acrocentric
- Acrogenic
- Acrogenous
- Acromegalic
- Acronymic
- Acronymous
- Acropetal
- Acrophobic
- Acroscopic
- Actable
- Actinal
- Acting
- Actinic
- Actinoid
- Actinometric
- Actinometrical
- Actinomorphic
- Actinomorphous
- Actinomycetal
- Actinomycetous
- Actinomycotic
- Actionable
- Activated
- Activating
- Active
- Activist
- Activistic
- Actual
- Actually
- Actuarial
- Actuated
- Actuating
- Acuate
- Aculeate
- Aculeated
- Acuminate
- Acute
- Acyclic
Adjectives that Start with Ad
- Adactylous
- Adagio
- Adamant
- Adamantine
- Adaptable
- Adaptational
- Adaptative
- Adapted
- Adaptive
- Adaxial
- Addable
- Addible
- Addicted
- Addictive
- Additional
- Additive
- Addlebrained
- Addled
- Addlepated
- Addressable
- Addressed
- Adducent
- Adducting
- Adductive
- Adenocarcinomatous
- Adenoid
- Adenoidal
- Adept
- Adequate
- Adherent
- Adhesive
- Adhoc
- Adiabatic
- Adient
- Adipose
- Adjacent
- Adjectival
- Adjective
- Adjoining
- Adjudicative
- Adjudicatory
- Adjunct
- Adjunctive
- Adjuratory
- Adjustable
- Adjusted
- Adjustive
- Adjuvant
- Administrable
- Administrative
- Admirable
- Admired
- Admissible
- Admissive
- Admittable
- Admittible
- Admonishing
- Admonitory
- Adnate
- Adnexal
- Adolescent
- Adonic
- Adoptable
- Adopted
- Adoptive
- Adorable
- Adored
- Adoring
- Adorned
- Adpressed
- Adrenal
- Adrenergic
- Adrenocortical
- Adrenocorticotrophic
- Adrenocorticotropic
- Adrift
- Adroit
- Adscititious
- Adscript
- Adscripted
- Adsorbable
- Adsorbate
- Adsorbent
- Adsorptive
- Adulatory
- Adult
- Adulterant
- Adulterate
- Adulterated
- Adulterating
- Adulterine
- Adulterous
- Adumbrative
- Adust
- Advance
- Advanced
- Advancing
- Advantageous
- Advective
- Adventitial
- Adventitious
- Adventive
- Adventuresome
- Adventuristic
- Adventurous
- Adverbial
- Adversative
- Adverse
- Advertent
- Advertised
- Advisable
- Advised
- Advisory
- Adynamic
Adjectives that Start with Ae
- Aecial
- Aegean
- Aeolian
- Aeolotropic
- Aeonian
- Aerated
- Aerial
- Aeriferous
- Aeriform
- Aerobic
- Aerobiotic
- Aerodynamic
- Aerolitic
- Aerological
- Aeromechanic
- Aeromedical
- Aeronautic
- Aeronautical
- Aerophilatelic
- Aerophilic
- Aerophilous
- Aerosolised
- Aerosolized
- Aery
- Aeschylean
- Aesculapian
- Aesthetic
- Aesthetical
- Aestival
- Aetiologic
- Aetiological
Adjectives that Start with Af
- Afeard
- Afeared
- Afebrile
- Affable
- Affected
- Affecting
- Affectional
- Affectionate
- Affective
- Afferent
- Affiliated
- Affinal
- Affine
- Affined
- Affirmable
- Affirmative
- Affirmatory
- Affixal
- Affixed
- Affixial
- Afflicted
- Afflictive
- Affluent
- Affordable
- Afghan
- Afghani
- Afghanistani
- Afire
- Aflame
- Aflare
- Aflicker
- Afloat
- Aflutter
- Afoot
- Aforementioned
- Aforesaid
- Aforethought
- Afoul
- Afraid
- African
- Afrikaans
- Afrikaner
- Aft
- After
- Aftermost
- Aftershafted
Adjectives that Start with Ag
- Agamic
- Agamogenetic
- Agamous
- Agape
- Agaze
- Aged
- Ageing
- Ageless
- Agelong
- Agential
- Agglomerate
- Agglomerated
- Agglomerative
- Agglutinate
- Agglutinative
- Aggravated
- Aggravating
- Aggregate
- Aggregated
- Aggregative
- Aggressive
- Aghast
- Agile
- Aging
- Agitated
- Agitating
- Agitative
- Agleam
- Aglitter
- Aglow
- Agnate
- Agnatic
- Agnostic
- Agnostical
- Ago
- Agog
- Agonadal
- Agonal
- Agone
- Agonised
- Agonising
- Agonistic
- Agonistical
- Agonized
- Agonizing
- Agoraphobic
- Agranulocytic
- Agraphic
- Agrarian
- Agreeable
- Agreed
- Agrestic
- Agricultural
- Agrobiologic
- Agrobiological
- Agrologic
- Agrological
- Agronomic
- Agronomical
- Aground
- Agrypnotic
- Aguish
Adjectives that Start with Ah, Ai, Al
- Ahead
- Ahistorical
- Ahorse
- Ahorseback
- Aided
- Ailing
- Aimless
- Ain
- Airborne
- Aired
- Airheaded
- Airless
- Airlike
- Airsick
- Airtight
- Airworthy
- Airy
- Ajar
- Akimbo
- Akin
- Alabaster
- Alabastrine
- Alacritous
- Alar
- Alarmed
- Alarming
- Alary
- Alaskan
- Alate
- Alated
- Albanian
- Albescent
- Albigensian
- Albinal
- Albinic
- Albinistic
- Albinotic
- Albitic
- Albuminous
- Albuminuric
- Alcalescent
- Alchemic
- Alchemical
- Alchemistic
- Alchemistical
- Alcoholic
- Aldehydic
- Aldermanic
- Aldermanly
- Aleatory
- Alert
- Aleuronic
- Aleutian
- Alexandrian
- Alexic
- Alfresco
- Algal
- Algebraic
- Algebraical
- Algerian
- Algid
- Algoid
- Algolagnic
- Algometric
- Algometrical
- Algonkian
- Algonquian
- Algonquin
- Algophobic
- Algorithmic
- Alien
- Alienable
- Alienated
- Alienating
- Aliform
- Alight
- Aligned
- Aligning
- Alike
- Alimental
- Alimentary
- Alimentative
- Aliphatic
- Aliquot
- Alive
- Alkahestic
- Alkalescent
- Alkalic
- Alkaline
- Alkaloidal
- Alkalotic
- Alkylic
- All
- Allantoic
- Allantoid
- Allargando
- Alleged
- Allegiant
- Allegoric
- Allegorical
- Allegretto
- Allegro
- Allelic
- Allelomorphic
- Allergenic
- Allergic
- Alleviated
- Alleviative
- Alleviatory
- Alliaceous
- Allied
- Alligatored
- Alliterative
- Allocable
- Allocatable
- Allochronic
- Allochthonous
- Allogamous
- Allogeneic
- Allographic
- Allomerous
- Allometric
- Allomorphic
- Allopathic
- Allopatric
- Allophonic
- Allotropic
- Allotropical
- Allotted
- Allover
- Allowable
- Alloyed
- Alluring
- Allusive
- Alluvial
- Allylic
- Almighty
- Alone
- Aloof
- Alopecic
- Alpestrine
- Alpha
- Alphabetic
- Alphabetical
- Alphabetised
- Alphabetized
- Alphameric
- Alphamerical
- Alphanumeric
- Alphanumerical
- Alpine
- Alright
- Alsatian
- Altaic
- Alterable
- Alterative
- Altered
- Alternate
- Alternating
- Alternative
- Altissimo
- Altitudinal
- Altitudinous
- Alto
- Altricial
- Altruistic
- Alular
- Aluminiferous
- Aluminous
- Alveolar
- Alveolate
- Alvine
Adjectives that Start with Am
- Amalgamate
- Amalgamated
- Amalgamative
- Amaranthine
- Amateur
- Amateurish
- Amative
- Amatory
- Amaurotic
- Amazed
- Amazing
- Ambagious
- Ambassadorial
- Amber
- Ambidextrous
- Ambient
- Ambiguous
- Ambitionless
- Ambitious
- Ambivalent
- Ambiversive
- Amblyopic
- Ambrosial
- Ambrosian
- Ambulacral
- Ambulant
- Ambulatory
- Ameban
- Amebic
- Ameboid
- Amebous
- Ameliorating
- Ameliorative
- Amelioratory
- Amenable
- Amendable
- Amendatory
- Amended
- Amenorrheal
- Amenorrheic
- Amenorrhoeal
- Amenorrhoeic
- Amentaceous
- Amentiferous
- Amerciable
- American
- Amerind
- Amerindic
- Ametabolic
- Ametabolous
- Amethyst
- Amethystine
- Ametropic
- Amharic
- Amiable
- Amicable
- Amidship
- Aminic
- Amino
- Amiss
- Amitotic
- Ammino
- Ammoniac
- Ammoniacal
- Ammoniated
- Ammonitic
- Amnesiac
- Amnesic
- Amnestic
- Amnic
- Amnionic
- Amniotic
- Amoeban
- Amoebic
- Amoeboid
- Amoebous
- Amok
- Amoral
- Amoristic
- Amorous
- Amorphous
- Amort
- Amphibian
- Amphibiotic
- Amphibious
- Amphiprostylar
- Amphiprostyle
- Amphiprotic
- Amphistylar
- Amphitheatric
- Amphitheatrical
- Amphitropous
- Amphoric
- Amphoteric
- Ample
- Ampullar
- Ampullary
- Amuck
- Amused
- Amusing
- Amusive
- Amygdaliform
- Amygdaline
- Amygdaloid
- Amygdaloidal
- Amylaceous
- Amyloid
- Amyloidal
- Amylolytic
Adjectives that Start with An
- Anabatic
- Anabiotic
- Anabolic
- Anachronic
- Anachronistic
- Anachronous
- Anaclinal
- Anaclitic
- Anacoluthic
- Anadromous
- Anaemic
- Anaerobic
- Anaerobiotic
- Anaesthetic
- Anaglyphic
- Anaglyphical
- Anaglyptic
- Anaglyptical
- Anagogic
- Anagogical
- Anagrammatic
- Anagrammatical
- Anal
- Analeptic
- Analgesic
- Analgetic
- Analog
- Analogical
- Analogous
- Analogue
- Analphabetic
- Analytic
- Analytical
- Analyzable
- Analyzed
- Anamnestic
- Anamorphic
- Anapaestic
- Anapestic
- Anaphasic
- Anaphoric
- Anaphrodisiac
- Anaphylactic
- Anaplastic
- Anarchic
- Anarchical
- Anarchistic
- Anasarcous
- Anastigmatic
- Anastomotic
- Anatomic
- Anatomical
- Anatropous
- Ancestral
- Anchored
- Anchoritic
- Ancient
- Ancillary
- Andalusian
- Andante
- Andantino
- Andean
- Andorran
- Androgenetic
- Androgenic
- Androgenous
- Androgynous
- Ane
- Anecdotal
- Anecdotic
- Anecdotical
- Anechoic
- Anemic
- Anemographic
- Anemometric
- Anemometrical
- Anemophilous
- Anencephalic
- Anencephalous
- Aneroid
- Anesthetic
- Anestric
- Anestrous
- Aneuploid
- Aneurismal
- Aneurismatic
- Aneurysmal
- Aneurysmatic
- Anfractuous
- Angelic
- Angelical
- Angered
- Anginal
- Anginose
- Anginous
- Angiocarpic
- Angiocarpous
- Angiomatous
- Angiospermous
- Angled
- Anglican
- Anglophilic
- Anglophobic
- Angolan
- Angry
- Anguillan
- Anguine
- Anguished
- Angular
- Angulate
- Anhydrous
- Anicteric
- Anile
- Animal
- Animalistic
- Animate
- Animated
- Animating
- Animatistic
- Animist
- Animistic
- Anionic
- Aniseikonic
- Anisogametic
- Anisogamic
- Anisogamous
- Anisometric
- Anisometropic
- Anisotropic
- Ankylotic
- Annalistic
- Annelid
- Annelidan
- Annexal
- Annexational
- Annihilated
- Annihilating
- Annihilative
- Announced
- Annoyed
- Annoying
- Annual
- Annular
- Annulate
- Annulated
- Annunciatory
- Anodal
- Anodic
- Anodyne
- Anoestrous
- Anomalous
- Anomic
- Anonymous
- Anoperineal
- Anopheline
- Anorectal
- Anorectic
- Anorexic
- Anorexigenic
- Anorthic
- Anorthitic
- Anosmatic
- Anosmic
- Another
- Anoxemic
- Anoxic
- Anserine
- Answerable
- Answering
- Antacid
- Antagonistic
- Antarctic
- Antebellum
- Antecedent
- Antecubital
- Antediluvial
- Antediluvian
- Antemeridian
- Antemortem
- Antenatal
- Antennal
- Antennary
- Antenuptial
- Antepartum
- Antepenultimate
- Anterior
- Anterograde
- Anthelminthic
- Anthelmintic
- Antheral
- Antheridial
- Anthophagous
- Anthophilous
- Anthracitic
- Anthropic
- Anthropical
- Anthropocentric
- Anthropogenetic
- Anthropogenic
- Anthropoid
- Anthropoidal
- Anthropological
- Anthropometric
- Anthropometrical
- Anthropomorphic
- Anthropomorphous
- Anthropophagous
- Anti
- Antiadrenergic
- Antiaircraft
- Antiapartheid
- Antiauthoritarian
- Antibacterial
- Antibiotic
- Antiblack
- Antic
- Anticancer
- Anticholinergic
- Anticipant
- Anticipated
- Anticipative
- Anticipatory
- Anticlimactic
- Anticlimactical
- Anticlinal
- Anticlockwise
- Anticoagulative
- Anticyclonic
- Antidotal
- Antidromic
- Antiferromagnetic
- Antifertility
- Antifungal
- Antigenic
- Antiguan
- Antiheretical
- Antiknock
- Antiknocking
- Antimagnetic
- Antimicrobial
- Antimicrobic
- Antimonial
- Antimonic
- Antimonious
- Antimonopoly
- Antineoplastic
- Antinomian
- Antiparallel
- Antipathetic
- Antipathetical
- Antipersonnel
- Antiphlogistic
- Antiphonal
- Antiphonary
- Antipodal
- Antipodean
- Antipollution
- Antipyretic
- Antiquarian
- Antiquated
- Antique
- Antisatellite
- Antisemitic
- Antiseptic
- Antisocial
- Antistrophic
- Antisubmarine
- Antitank
- Antithetic
- Antithetical
- Antithyroid
- Antitoxic
- Antitrust
- Antitumor
- Antitumour
- Antitypic
- Antitypical
- Antiviral
- Antlered
- Antonymous
- Antrorse
- Antsy
- Anuran
- Anuretic
- Anuric
- Anurous
- Anxiolytic
- Anxious
- Any
Adjectives that Start with Ao, Ap
- Aoristic
- Aortal
- Aortic
- Apart
- Apathetic
- Apelike
- Aperient
- Aperiodic
- Apetalous
- Aphaeretic
- Aphakic
- Aphanitic
- Aphasic
- Apheretic
- Aphetic
- Aphonic
- Aphoristic
- Aphotic
- Aphrodisiac
- Aphrodisiacal
- Aphyllous
- Apian
- Apiarian
- Apical
- Apiculate
- Apicultural
- Apish
- Apivorous
- Aplacental
- Aplanatic
- Aplitic
- Apneic
- Apnoeic
- Apocalyptic
- Apocalyptical
- Apocarpous
- Apochromatic
- Apocrine
- Apocryphal
- Apocynaceous
- Apodal
- Apodeictic
- Apodictic
- Apodous
- Apogametic
- Apogamic
- Apogamous
- Apogean
- Apolitical
- Apologetic
- Apomictic
- Apomictical
- Aponeurotic
- Apopemptic
- Apophatic
- Apophyseal
- Apoplectic
- Apoplectiform
- Apoplectoid
- Aposiopetic
- Apostate
- Apostolic
- Apostolical
- Apostrophic
- Apothecial
- Apothegmatic
- Apothegmatical
- Apotropaic
- Appalachian
- Appalled
- Appalling
- Appareled
- Apparent
- Apparitional
- Appealable
- Appealing
- Appeasable
- Appeasing
- Appellant
- Appellate
- Appellative
- Appendaged
- Appendant
- Appendicular
- Apperceptive
- Appetent
- Appetising
- Appetitive
- Appetizing
- Applaudable
- Applicable
- Applicative
- Applicatory
- Applied
- Appointed
- Appointive
- Apportionable
- Apportioned
- Apposable
- Apposite
- Appositional
- Appositive
- Appraising
- Appreciable
- Appreciated
- Appreciative
- Apprehended
- Apprehensible
- Apprehensive
- Apprenticed
- Appressed
- Approachable
- Approaching
- Approbative
- Approbatory
- Appropriable
- Appropriate
- Appropriative
- Approved
- Approving
- Approximate
- Approximative
- Appurtenant
- Apractic
- Apraxic
- Apropos
- Apsidal
- Apt
- Apteral
- Apterous
- Aptitudinal
Adjectives that Start with Aq, Ar
- Aquacultural
- Aquaphobic
- Aquatic
- Aqueous
- Aquicultural
- Aquiferous
- Aquiline
- Arabian
- Arabic
- Arable
- Araceous
- Arachnidian
- Arachnoid
- Aramaean
- Aramaic
- Aramean
- Araneidal
- Araneidan
- Arawakan
- Arbitrable
- Arbitral
- Arbitrary
- Arbitrational
- Arbitrative
- Arboraceous
- Arborary
- Arboreal
- Arboreous
- Arborescent
- Arboresque
- Arborical
- Arboriform
- Arborous
- Arcadian
- Arcane
- Arced
- Arch
- Archaean
- Archaeologic
- Archaeological
- Archaeozoic
- Archaic
- Archaistic
- Archangelic
- Archangelical
- Archdiocesan
- Archducal
- Archean
- Arched
- Archegonial
- Archegoniate
- Archeologic
- Archeological
- Archeozoic
- Archepiscopal
- Archesporial
- Archetypal
- Archetypical
- Archidiaconal
- Archiepiscopal
- Arching
- Archipelagic
- Architectonic
- Architectural
- Archival
- Archosaurian
- Arciform
- Arco
- Arctic
- Arcuate
- Ardent
- Arduous
- Areal
- Arenaceous
- Arenicolous
- Areolar
- Areolate
- Argent
- Argentic
- Argentiferous
- Argentine
- Argentinian
- Argentous
- Argillaceous
- Argive
- Arguable
- Argumentative
- Arid
- Ariled
- Arillate
- Ariose
- Aristocratic
- Aristocratical
- Aristotelean
- Aristotelian
- Aristotelic
- Arithmetic
- Arithmetical
- Armed
- Armenian
- Armillary
- Arminian
- Armless
- Armlike
- Armored
- Armorial
- Armoured
- Aroid
- Aromatic
- Aroused
- Arranged
- Arrant
- Arrayed
- Arresting
- Arrhythmic
- Arrhythmical
- Arrogant
- Arsenical
- Arsenious
- Artefactual
- Arterial
- Arteriolar
- Arteriosclerotic
- Arteriovenous
- Artesian
- Artful
- Arthralgic
- Arthritic
- Arthromeric
- Arthropodal
- Arthropodan
- Arthropodous
- Arthrosporic
- Arthrosporous
- Arthurian
- Articled
- Articular
- Articulary
- Articulate
- Articulated
- Articulative
- Articulatory
- Artifactual
- Artificial
- Artiodactyl
- Artiodactylous
- Artistic
- Artless
- Arty
- Arundinaceous
- Aryan
Adjectives that Start with As
- Asat
- Ascendable
- Ascendant
- Ascendent
- Ascendible
- Ascending
- Ascensional
- Ascensive
- Ascertainable
- Ascertained
- Ascetic
- Ascetical
- Ascitic
- Asclepiadaceous
- Ascocarpous
- Ascomycetous
- Ascosporic
- Ascosporous
- Ascribable
- Aseptic
- Asexual
- Ashamed
- Ashen
- Ashy
- Asian
- Asiatic
- Asinine
- Askance
- Askant
- Askew
- Aslant
- Asleep
- Aslope
- Asocial
- Aspectual
- Asphaltic
- Aspheric
- Aspherical
- Asphyxiated
- Asphyxiating
- Aspirant
- Aspiring
- Asquint
- Assailable
- Assamese
- Assassinated
- Assaultive
- Assentient
- Assertable
- Asserted
- Asserting
- Assertive
- Assessable
- Assiduous
- Assignable
- Assigned
- Assimilable
- Assimilating
- Assimilative
- Assimilatory
- Assistant
- Assisted
- Assistive
- Associable
- Associate
- Associational
- Associative
- Associatory
- Assonant
- Assorted
- Assuasive
- Assumed
- Assuming
- Assumptive
- Assured
- Assurgent
- Assuring
- Astatic
- Asteriated
- Asterisked
- Asterismal
- Asternal
- Asteroid
- Asteroidal
- Asthenic
- Asthmatic
- Astigmatic
- Astir
- Astomatal
- Astomatous
- Astonied
- Astonished
- Astonishing
- Astounded
- Astounding
- Astragalar
- Astral
- Astringent
- Astrocytic
- Astrological
- Astronautic
- Astronautical
- Astronomic
- Astronomical
- Astrophysical
- Astute
- Astylar
- Asunder
- Asymmetric
- Asymmetrical
- Asymptomatic
- Asymptotic
- Asynchronous
- Asyndetic
- Asynergic
Adjectives that Start with At
- Atactic
- Ataractic
- Ataraxic
- Atavistic
- Ataxic
- Ateleiotic
- Atheist
- Atheistic
- Atheistical
- Athenian
- Atheromatic
- Atheromatous
- Atherosclerotic
- Athirst
- Athletic
- Atilt
- Atlantic
- Atmospheric
- Atmospherical
- Atomic
- Atomistic
- Atomistical
- Atonal
- Atonalistic
- Atonic
- Atoxic
- Atrabilious
- Atrial
- Atrioventricular
- Atrip
- Atrocious
- Atrophic
- Atrophied
- Attachable
- Attached
- Attacking
- Attainable
- Attained
- Attempted
- Attendant
- Attended
- Attentional
- Attentive
- Attenuate
- Attenuated
- Attested
- Attic
- Attired
- Attitudinal
- Attractable
- Attractive
- Attributable
- Attributive
- Attrited
- Attritional
- Atypic
- Atypical
Adjectives that Start with Au
- Auburn
- Auctorial
- Audacious
- Audenesque
- Audible
- Audile
- Audio
- Audiometric
- Audiovisual
- Auditive
- Auditory
- Augean
- Augitic
- Augmentative
- Augmented
- August
- Augustan
- Auld
- Aural
- Aureate
- Auric
- Auricular
- Auriculate
- Auriculated
- Auriculoventricular
- Auriferous
- Auriform
- Auroral
- Aurorean
- Aurous
- Auscultatory
- Auspicious
- Austenitic
- Austere
- Austral
- Australasian
- Australian
- Australopithecine
- Austrian
- Austronesian
- Autacoidal
- Autarchic
- Autarchical
- Autarkic
- Autarkical
- Authentic
- Authenticated
- Authorial
- Authorised
- Authoritarian
- Authoritative
- Authorized
- Autistic
- Autobiographic
- Autobiographical
- Autocatalytic
- Autochthonal
- Autochthonic
- Autochthonous
- Autocratic
- Autodidactic
- Autoecious
- Autoerotic
- Autofluorescent
- Autogamic
- Autogamous
- Autogenetic
- Autogenic
- Autogenous
- Autographed
- Autographic
- Autoicous
- Autoimmune
- Autoloading
- Autologous
- Autolytic
- Automated
- Automatic
- Automatonlike
- Automotive
- Autonomic
- Autonomous
- Autophytic
- Autoplastic
- Autoradiographic
- Autosemantic
- Autosomal
- Autotelic
- Autotomic
- Autotrophic
- Autotypic
- Autumnal
- Auxetic
- Auxiliary
- Auxinic
Adjectives that Start with Av, Aw, Ax, Az
- Available
- Avaricious
- Avascular
- Avellan
- Avellane
- Avenged
- Average
- Averse
- Aversive
- Avertable
- Avertible
- Avestan
- Avian
- Avid
- Avifaunal
- Avifaunistic
- Avionic
- Avirulent
- Avitaminotic
- Avocado
- Avocational
- Avoidable
- Avowed
- Avuncular
- Awaited
- Awake
- Awakened
- Aware
- Awash
- Away
- Aweary
- Awed
- Aweigh
- Aweless
- Awesome
- Awestricken
- Awestruck
- Awful
- Awheel
- Awing
- Awkward
- Awless
- Awned
- Awninged
- Awnless
- Awny
- Awol
- Awry
- Axenic
- Axial
- Axile
- Axillary
- Axiological
- Axiomatic
- Axiomatical
- Axonal
- Azerbaijani
- Azido
- Azimuthal
- Azo
- Azoic
- Azonal
- Azonic
- Azotemic
- Azotic
- Azure
- Azygos
- Azygous
Adjectives Starting with A | Images
Source: https://7esl.com/adjectives-that-start-with-a/
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